

  • A阿托品
  • B临时人工心脏起搏
  • C氯化钾
  • D肾上腺素
  • E异丙肾上腺素

  • 参考答案:”A”

    1.[单选题] What is the author going to state in the next paragraph?

    A.There have been attempts to start a professional soccer organization in the U. S..

    B.In the 12th century soccer games in Britain often involved whole towns.

    C. Professional soccer grew quickly in Europe.

    D.Experts believed that the United States would win.

    2.[单选题]For how long has soccer been played in the United States?

    A.About a hundred years.

    B.About fifty years.

    C.Only recently.

    D.About thirty years.

    3.[单选题]Who invented the modem soccer game?

    A.American Indians.




    4.[单选题]Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the text?

    A.Americans were preparing for the world cup when the author wrote this article.

    B.More younger Americans became interested in soccer in the last 30 years.

    C.Soccer is the fastest developing sport in the world.

    D.The article was written before the world cup held in the United States.

    5.[单选题]Which was the most popular sport as a traditional game among students?


    B. American football.





  • A利多卡因
  • B苯妥英钠
  • C普鲁卡因胺
  • D奎尼丁
  • E洋地黄

  • 参考答案:”E”


  • A肺炎
  • B动脉栓塞
  • C感染性心内膜炎
  • D阿—斯综合征
  • E完全性房室传导阻滞

  • 参考答案:”B”


  • A利多卡因静脉注射
  • B非同步直流电除颤
  • C同步直流电复律
  • D静注β受体阻滞剂
  • E静脉注射胺碘酮

  • 参考答案:”C”


  • A静注呼吸兴奋剂
  • B气管插管
  • C紧急电除颤
  • D静注阿托品,肾上腺素
  • E临时心脏起搏

  • 参考答案:”C”


  • A口服地高辛
  • B长期口服华发林或阿司匹林
  • C维拉帕米
  • D电复律
  • E口服奎尼丁

  • 参考答案:”B”


  • AⅡ度Ⅰ型房室阻滞
  • B室性期前收缩
  • CⅢ度房室阻滞
  • DⅠ度房室阻滞
  • E房性期前收缩

  • 参考答案:”C”


  • A窦房结
  • B房室结
  • C冠状窦
  • D希氏束
  • E结间束

  • 参考答案:”C”


  • A异丙肾上腺素静脉滴注
  • B安装临时心脏起搏器
  • C阿托品静脉滴注
  • D安装永久性心脏起搏器
  • E肾上腺糖皮质激素

  • 参考答案:”B”